Helping You to Battle Tics/PANS/PANDAS

Symptoms and Navigating Spectrum Disorders Naturally

If your child struggles with Tic/PANS/PANDAS or is on the Autism Spectrum watch this video it could change your life.


The Connect Show
Good Housekeeping
Thrive Global
Kidsbrain Summit
15 Minute Matrix
Struggle to Strength Podcast
Fox News

Buy the #1 Best Selling Book on Tic Disorders

Break the misconceptions about Tic Disorders!

In the world of Tics and Tourette’s, many parents are told to sweep their child’s symptoms under the rug. Many have been thrown a pill, told to “ignore it” and carry on. God forbid you talk to your child about their Tics because your doctor said it would make things worse.

“Written by a mom, Board Certified Doctor of Natural Medicine, and Tic Disorder Expert, Dr. Piper Gibson, who has been in your shoes, and she knows what it takes to get results for your family”

TIC Talk


Searching Dr. Google on treatments for tic disorders or shooting in the dark and trying magnesium for tics are ineffective strategies.



It breaks your heart to watch your child struggle and you feel helpless
when what you really want is a solution.

Say “GOODBYE” to the medication merry-go-round and providers who don’t understand.

Meet Dr. Gibson

Regenerating Health

Hi! I’m Piper Gibson

Mom | Triple Board-Certified Tic Disorder Expert | Founder of Regenerating Health

Most families come to me and have been through the wringer. They have been told to sweep their child’s symptoms under the rug. They have been told not to talk to their kids about their tics. Many are told there is nothing they can do, or they need a pill.

We don’t do that here; we do things differently.

We look beyond your superficial symptoms; we look beyond the brain. We make sense of what is going on deeper in the body. Then we’ll craft a plan to help your child flourish so they can take center stage and you can both have a fantastic life.

What started out for us as a neurological tic diagnosis quickly spiraled out of control! We ended up with a long list of symptoms and diagnoses from sensory processing to lack of focus. We tried 8 different doctors and 10 different prescriptions, it was obvious that the conventional approach was failing us. I spent endless nights researching natural ways to heal my son’s body which eventually led me back to school. After relearning everything I thought I knew about health and wellness I was able to create a plan that worked for the individual needs of my son. Now, I help families just like mine.

Hear What Clients Are Saying

Testimonials - Regenerating Health
Testimonials - Regenerating Health
Regenerating Health - Testimonial

Here’s what I know to be possible for you.

Families who work with me have been able to:

  • Shift from being scared and frustrated to understanding what is happening in their child’s body
  • Kids are sleeping through the night and feel refreshed in the morning
  • Teachers are calling and saying they haven’t noticed tics in weeks
  • Grades and focus start to improve
  • Meltdowns and mood swings start to disappear
  • They are going out to dinner and the movies and not one whispers and stares

All because we found the right combination of therapies to help them get their child back!


Hear What Happy Families Are Saying

Regenerating Health
Testimonial - Regenerating Health
Testimonial - Regenerating Health


Kick the Tics

“Kick the Tics” Has Helped Children All Over the World Reduce Tic Disorder Symptoms Naturally

Comprehensive Neuro-Immune Analysis

Comprehensive Neuro-Immune Analysis

This is where we will take a look at the whole child and get the root of what is really going on. Here we create a roadmap to recovery.

Foundational Connection Method

Foundational Connection Method

Foundational Connection Method equals a clear data driven action plan based on your unique child

Restorative Rescue Strategy

Restorative Rescue Strategy

Learning to nourish and nurture for a lifetime. Creating long-time sustainable results. Here we create short and long term goals

I know what you are thinking…

  • What if the tics get worse
  • I can’t watch my child suffer any longer
  • I’m tired of ignoring it

Let me ask you something...

  • How much time, money, and energy have you already wasted looking for a solution to your child’s tics/PANS/PANDAS?
  • Imagine what it would be like to feel confident and knowledgeable about what is going on in your child’s body.
  • How would you like to have a child who feels in control and at home in their own body?

Holistic Natural Data-Driven Approaches

Tic Disorders




And more…

Get Started with the Tic Disorder Institute Today

The Tic Disorder Insititute has helped hundreds of families reduce symptoms and regain control of their lives.

Tic Talk

Tic Talk

Break the misconceptions about Tic Disorders!

In the world of Tics and Tourette’s, many parents are told to sweep their child’s symptoms under the rug. Many have been thrown a pill, told to “ignore it” and carry on. God forbid you talk to your child about their Tics because your doctor said it would make things worse.
Written by a mom, Board Certified Doctor of Natural Medicine, and Tic Disorder Expert, Dr. Piper Gibson, who has been in your shoes, and she knows what it takes to get results for your family.

Ditch the Dairy & Goodbye Gluten

Ditch the Dairy & Goodbye Gluten

One Step Closer to Reducing Tic Disorders Naturally

Embark on a comprehensive digital journey tailored for those ready to embrace a life without dairy and gluten. Delve into the science, savor delectable recipes, and get expert meal-planning tips.
This course, curated by Dr Piper Gibson, is your ticket to optimal health. This five module course will help you navigate dietary challenges with ease.
Discover a happier, healthier child today!

Book a Free Consultation

Speak with the Tic Disorder Institute today

Is your family seeking natural relief from tic disorders? Begin with a free consultation with the Tic Disorder Institute. Our sessions are crafted to offer holistic strategies unique to your child's needs.
Our expert team, proficient in natural methods, conducts in-depth assessments to pinpoint causes. We design a plan combining nutrition, lifestyle shifts, and effective techniques.
Addressing Tics, PANS, PANDAS, we equip you with tools to bring you closer to a tic-free life.

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Is your child’s tic disorder reversible?