Got Tics? 5 Frequently Asked Questions That You Can't Afford To Miss

Got Tics? 5 Frequently Asked Questions That You Can’t Afford To Miss

Very often we have potential clients ask us questions about our process. 

Here are a few of our FAQs and the answers that you crave!

1. Should I book an Initial Consult Call? Is this the right option for our family?

We can shed some light on who our ideal and most successful clients are!

If you are scared, frustrated, overwhelmed, and at the end of your rope with your/ your child’s symptoms; If you have tried everything (chiropractor, homeopathy, OT, CBIT, therapy, dentists)  and nothing has worked; If you are bordering desperate, cry yourself to sleep, google until your eyes are blurry, and/or feel like your family is in chaos due to what you/ your child is going through- WE ARE FOR YOU! If any of these things describe your life and your feelings, then our price point is WORTH IT AND MORE for you and your family! In fact, with all that we offer and the results that we get- it will seem like a total steal!

If you are beginning your journey with your/ your child’s symptoms and you are absolutely committed to using a natural data-based approach to become symptom-free; If you have no interest in dragging yourself or your child from doctor to doctor, to have vials and vials of blood drawn, to have test after test done that yields inconclusive results; If you KNOW that off label side effect inducing medication is not the right route for you or your child; If you feel that putting a bandaid on and masking the symptoms is an inappropriate approach to the body screaming for help; If you KNOW there is an underlying issue (or more than one) that needs to be identified and you are 100% on board with data-driven non-invasive functional lab testing- WE ARE FOR YOU!

If you are simply exploring your options with no real commitment to a completely natural approach; If you are undecided on what your goals for you or your child are; If you still have pending appointments with medical professionals like neurologists or CBT and you believe these avenues will solve your problems- then you MIGHT NOT be ready for us. We welcome you to contact us when your profile sounds a bit more like what we list above. 

If you’re shopping around for the lowest cost option for yourself or your child, we PROBABLY aren’t for you. We work with parents who are dedicated to finding the approach that works no matter what. We are not the cheapest option out there and we want you to know that up front. How much does it cost?

2. How much does it cost? 

We do not publicly disclose our pricing and here is why: Until you know our offer, the pricing is irrelevant. You have no frame of reference and no idea the amount of time, support, and information we provide to you. It is important to know WHAT you are getting when you are asking for a price. (You can sign up for an Initial Consult Call Here to get the process started!)

Our approach is a moderate investment in your/ your child’s health. We guarantee it is LESS THAN the money you may have already wasted elsewhere over the years, and LESS THAN the money you are projected to waste on treatments, supplements, and failed attempts to eliminate symptoms in the future without our help.

We provide a variety of payment options including a pay in full discount, partial, and full financing so that we can help ALL families!

3. Can I use my insurance?

Unfortunately, no. Dr. Gibson does not treat or diagnose. In order to garner insurance coverage, she would have to actually diagnose you/ your child with something AND provide diagnosis codes for every 7 minutes she spends with you. That is NOT her jam. She is first and foremost a scientist and health detective who is helping you gather valuable data and uncover healing opportunities. 

Dr. Gibson has no desire to rush her time with her clients, and the diagnosis is NOT her focus anyway. She reviews your/ your child’s health history, symptom list, and goals AND provides access to testing, interprets results, and creates recommended protocols in order to achieve symptom-free living for you/ your child. 

Some clients have been able to utilize their HSA or FSA in conjunction with a detailed invoice from us. Check your individual plan to be sure.

4. Can I just order these tests through my doctor or online? 

Sure, you can find online novelty testing, but we do not use or offer to interpret those tests. The information is often inaccurate or irrelevant in the arena of eliminating symptoms. Your doctor probably doesn’t have access to these types of tests.

Our clients report back that their doctors are impressed with how thorough Dr. Gibson is with her data collection. We always encourage our clients to share their results with their preferred medical professional as an FYI. It is often a great conversation starter. 

Natural and conventional medicine work best when they are implemented hand in hand. Dr. Gibson regularly communicates with medical professionals who also care for her clients. 

5. Can I just try to figure out the results myself?

You can certainly try to figure it all out yourself, but you can not replace the EXPERTISE and EXPERIENCE that Dr. Gibson has. In fact, most people that try to go this route end up coming back to us. The amount of data is immense and the subtle links among the information are not something that even the most affluent googler will be able to identify. 

Dr. Gibson is a professional with over 10 years of experience working with children and adults with tic disorders and other symptoms including but not limited to sensory processing issues, GI irregularities or upset, EDS, Lupus, Crohn’s Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, etc. She eats, sleeps, and breathes functional lab testing. She knows what to look for and how the body’s systems should interact.

Working with Dr. Gibson is an opportunity of a lifetime. Her clinical experience, client-reported success rates, and complete dedication to creating step-by-step customized, and easy-to-understand protocols to help you/ your child reach symptom-free living is unparalleled. She is innately talented at connecting the dots between health history, functional lab tests, and reported symptoms. 

Her mantra is: Functional lab testing is the KEY to eliminating your symptoms. 

Dr. Gibson eliminated her son’s symptoms and continues to help other families reach symptom-free living every single day. If you are ready to take the next step and GET RESULTS for good- BOOK A CALL with our team. We are here to guide you each step of the way. 

What our clients are saying: 

Hi Dr. Gibson, my name is Lily and as you know I am one of your clients. I want to let you know I am on day five of my wellness journey and I have been removing gluten, dairy, eggs, and peanuts I have not had any tics in three days and my anxiety has been lower.  I’m so excited to see what happens in the future! 

Lily, age  10

We look forward to hearing from you!

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