tic disorder map

Navigating Tic Disorders: Exploring Alternative Therapeutic Routes

Rerouting the Road to Recovery

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Back when my son was first diagnosed with a tic disorder, I felt like I had been driving down a road only to hit a dead end. The standard medical advice telling me to just ignore his symptoms was a non-starter. My family needed answers and a way forward. What we found was more like a detour that led to a complete transformation in my son’s health.

The Road Closed Sign

On a rainy weekend trip, the highway we were traveling was completely flooded out. We had no choice but to take an alternate route and make a huge detour. That experience helped me realize that when the standard “route” for treating my son’s illness left us stranded, we needed to map out a new road.

Like so many parents in my position, I was initially told by doctors there was essentially nothing to be done except wait and hope he’d grow out of it. That passive approach didn’t align with what I knew of my child and it left me feeling powerless. I was determined to learn everything I could about the underlying causes. There had to be another way even if I had to forge it myself.

Exploring New Territory

When I dug into the research, I uncovered evidence that tic disorders are often connected to immune system dysfunction. Yet none of the experts we’d seen had even suggested this. I had to expand the paradigm I was operating within to make progress.

My training is in holistic health, which means evaluating the whole body and all factors that can contribute to wellness or illness. I began mapping out the different elements my son’s symptoms could stem from – his environment, his biology, physical activity levels, diet, and emotional health. It was clear multiple areas needed to be addressed.

Navigating By Testing

There wasn’t going to be a quick fix. The key for us was comprehensive testing that gave me biomarkers for over 1200 health factors. Having that data allowed me to connect dots between my son’s physiology, his lifestyle, and his tics.

It was like having a diagnostic readout for what was happening under the hood. I could finally identify root causes and customize an effective treatment plan. Using diet, supplements, detox protocols and more, I supported his system in restoring equilibrium naturally.

Staying The Course

Did we continue having ups and downs over years of recovery? Absolutely. There were times I despaired. But I leaned hard into my holistic health background as well as functional and integrative methods. I cultivated specialists for referrals so our healthcare team was aligned. And step-by-step, using comprehensive data, we were able to reroute our journey.

Thriving, Not Just Surviving

Over a decade later, I have a son who is happy, healthy, and thriving – not just surviving. He self-advocates for his needs. He recently earned the elite Eagle Scout ranking after years when just getting through a school day was overwhelming. He drives. He’s a state-level wrestler. He tours colleges with an eye to the future.

None of this means staying stagnant. Even when you get into remission from illness, maintenance is required. But using comprehensive testing and an integrative approach allowed us to reroute from the limited and ineffective medical answers we were initially given.

Now I help parents desperate for solutions with children struggling with chronic issues access the cutting edge testing, education and custom treatment protocols they need. My wish is that conventional medicine expands its narrow roads as well. Our health outcome shouldn’t rely upon blind detours. Patients need collaborators invested in getting them safely to a place of healing using whatever route it takes.

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