Rethinking Tic Disorders - Why Conventional Methods Fail

Rethinking Tic Disorders – Why Conventional Methods Fail

A tic disorder diagnosis is like a bomb for a parent’s soul; it leaves you in pieces, and you don’t have any clear direction about what to do next.

Doctors often view tic disorders such as Tourette’s Syndrome as neurological issues stemming from neurotransmitter imbalances or flawed brain signaling. The conventional approach to treating tic disorders typically involves medication to suppress tics or behavioral therapies to reduce tic expression. While these interventions can provide temporary relief, they fail to address the root causes driving the problem[1][2].

Tics and other involuntary movements do not arise randomly or in isolation. They are outward manifestations of deeper imbalances needing attention. When we only medicate the outward symptoms, it is like plugging leaks without fixing the cracks in a dam. We may temporarily reduce tics, but the underlying issue remains unaddressed[1][2].

This conventional approach also puts unrealistic expectations on children to constantly exert effort to control involuntary reflexes. Demanding a child actively suppress their tics day in and day out is exhausting over time. Medications also carry side effects that can negatively impact quality of life[1][2].

Tics are messages that something in the body is out of balance and needs help. Masking those signals with medication fails to solve the real problem. There must be a better way to listen to what the symptoms are trying to tell us, so we can identify and correct the root cause imbalances. Our children deserve care that respects their bodies’ innate intelligence. They need support, not suppression[1][2].

A holistic view recognizes that symptoms like tics reflect systemic imbalances across body systems. The origins could lie in nutrition, inflammation, microbiome health, genetics, toxic exposures, or other factors that require a whole-body investigation. Instead of isolated solutions, holistic protocols employ multiple targeted strategies[1][2]:

– Personalized nutrition plans to correct deficiencies, remove inflammatory triggers, and maximize nutrients that calm the nervous system.
– Gut healing protocols to repair the microbiome-brain connection.
– Lifestyle resets around sleep, activity, and stress reduction.
– Functional testing to reveal the physiological roots of symptoms.
– Genetic analysis to customize treatment based on individual biochemistry.
– Mitigating environmental toxins that disrupt neurological function.
– Cognitive behavioral techniques to retrain thought patterns.

This bigger-picture approach addresses the foundations of health, not just the most visible symptoms. And by linking body, mind, and environment, it provides lasting relief[1][2].

Josephs Story

Joseph’s story is a testament to the incredible healing possible when you address the root causes behind symptoms. Joseph started exhibiting odd neck and shoulder tics at age 4. Over time they intensified into constant neck jerking, shoulder shrugging, blinking, and mouth movements. At 5, a neurologist suggested medication that could lead to depression and suicidal thoughts. Diet changes brought minor relief. For years his family tried solutions, but Joseph only got worse. Desperate, his mother sought specialized testing, which revealed nutritional deficiencies, gut inflammation, and methylation issues. They created a holistic protocol that included an anti-inflammatory, nutrient-dense diet, microbiome support through fermented foods, methylation support and targeted supplementation, reduced environmental toxins exposure, and daily movement and mindfulness exercises. In just 90 days, Joseph’s tics vanished completely. He can now play piano recitals, audition for musicals, and excel in school. Joseph got his body and his life back[1][2].

If your child is struggling with tic disorders or related conditions, there is hope. But lasting change requires a deeper dive into the origins behind their symptoms. Through specialized testing, strategic protocols, and whole-body healing, you can help your child pave the road to steady, calm, healthy development and a rich quality of life. Reduce reactions, maximize control, and discover what it means to thrive truly. The holistic approach provides a comprehensive roadmap[1][2].

If you are ready to begin the journey of getting your child back, I want to invite you to schedule a FREE initial consultation call with our team.

Other useful links: 

  1. Featured in the Media – Explore various media features and interviews with Dr. Gibson.
  2. Watch the Free Fast Class – Access a free class offering insights into managing tic disorders.
  3. Order the Book-Tic Talk
  4. Follow us on YouTube
  5. Join the Support Community

– Tourette Association of America:
– National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke:
– Holistic Pediatric Association:
– The Institute for Functional Medicine:



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