Could your environment be making your child sick?

Could your environment be making your child sick?

Could your home, school, or the products you use every day be making your child sick? 

More than 85,000 chemicals are known to be circulating in everyday products in the US alone—in cosmetics, clothing, furniture, electronics, cleaning products, construction materials, and more. Many of these chemicals have not been tested for safety.

These chemicals have potential health effects that range from irritating the lungs to interacting with the immune system or disrupting hormones. Exposures of environmental chemicals can be drivers of many chronic health concerns:

✅ Headaches

✅ Digestive Issues

✅ Tics

✅ Mood Swings

✅ Cognitive Difficulties

✅ Attention Problems

✅ Hormonal Imbalance

✅ Immune Dysregulation

✅ Sleep Changes

✅ Sensory Processing Issues

This is not to say that environmental exposures are ALWAYS to blame for these issues. Chronic illness is complex. 

When we work with families, our approach is to consider all possibilities. Through your story and testing, we unravel the root cause. 

If we discover that environmental exposures are driving your health concerns, the first step is to eliminate the exposure (or minimize it as much as possible). Then we use targeted therapies to support your body in detoxification so that you can heal. 

🌲 Environmental exposures are a hidden driver of many chronic health concerns. Eliminating exposure and supporting detoxification can help you get your child back on track.

Environmental toxins and Mycotoxins are two exposures that we take into account when it comes to helping you zero on your child’s issues.

Environmental toxins are man-made chemicals that enter our environment and can cause harmful health effects.

🍄 Mycotoxins are poisonous substances produced by certain types of fungi or mold. They can grow on food and crops, and can also be found in indoor environments. Mycotoxins can cause a range of health problems, from skin irritation to liver damage. It is also safe to assume that at least 50% of the building in North America have some form of water damage which increases mold growth.

If you are concerned that your child’s health issues may be partially related to environmental exposures, the first step is to test. This is the only way to determine what may or may not be at the root of your child’s tics. Next, we will work to eliminate the exposure (or minimize it as much as possible). Then, you can use targeted therapies to support your body in detoxification so that you can heal.

Environmental exposures are just one of the puzzle pieces we take into account when we are investigating the origin of your child’s tics. We look at 935 biomarkers to be exact.

I’ll be sharing more information in upcoming posts to help you minimize your exposure to hidden toxins and support your body in everyday detoxification. Environmental exposures are a hidden driver of many chronic health concerns, but eliminating exposure and supporting detoxification can help you get your child back on track.

If you’ve been on the fence about exploring a natural and holistic approach to your child’s tic disorder, let’s see if you’d be a good fit.

We work with….scared, frustrated, overwhelmed parents who have tried everything and want to get to the root of their child’s tics.

Maybe you can relate to some of these things:

➡️ Does your child deal with tics and you wish that you no longer had to watch them struggle?

➡️ Have you tried magnesium and B6 but still experience a laundry list of symptoms?

➡️ Maybe you just wish the tics would go away without another doctor’s visit or prescription.

If you are nodding your head in response to any of these things…

We can help. 

It’s easy to get started! It’s time to find out why This is the ONLY solution to get to the bottom of your child’s tic symptoms. A Roadmap to Recovery equals unparalleled support and insight into what is really happening inside your child’s body.

Simply click HERE to check out the Kick the Tics Framework


“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”

Nelson Mandela

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